Book Review – Anamneza


Author: Ana Sandulescu
Original Language: Romanian
Genre: Fiction | Romance |Contemporary
Length: 214 pages
Published: May 2015
Goodreads link

After a deep coma, Luisa wakes up to continue her life. She starts a journey to find herself, in drugs, in books, on travels, and in lovers; teenage love that passes or last for years, crazy desires, holydays in Vama, second-hand friends and depression impregnated in the soul. This is just a few of the things that Luisa has to face in her tumultuous adolescence that she spends with a man from the mob.
    With the passage of time, Luisa realizes that the essence begins to fade out of herself, that it begins to become more and more erased and thence in a depression that keeps her bound. And what’s the point at the end, where the reality stops and where the fiction begins? Where? Summary source

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